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Why Harvest

Why Harvest

As seen in the  "The Heartbeat" and published in the Hot Springs Village Voice

Why Harvest?


It sounds like such a ridiculous question, doesn’t it? A farmer would not stand at the edge of their fields and say, "Not this year!" They have worked so hard all season long to get their crops to the point of harvest in the face of drought, bugs, too much rain, and hoping for just the right temperatures. Suffice it to say no one who calls themselves a "farmer" would plant and not harvest.

The same could be said for gardeners. They would never plant flowers and never water them, fertilize them, and weed the bed. For a beautiful showing of colors, the plants and flowers need tending, watering, and pruning.

All these thoughts are generated by the time of year it is: harvest time. Farmers are harvesting their crops, gardens are being "closed down," and the leaves are beginning to turn golden brown and different shades of red. There is a feeling of closure to summer in the air.

Two discussions the disciples had with Jesus also come to mind. As Jesus was traveling through the villages, people began to come out in huge crowds to see Him, be touched by Him, and to hear the message of love, forgiveness and believing in Him as the Messiah. Those close around would hear the Good News, but what happened after Jesus left town. Jesus needed help in spreading the news to the outer reaches of the known world. But He knew His time was short. So many people needed to receive the "seeds" of the Gospel, tended to, nurtured, and in time be ready to use the seeds grown in them to multiply Jesus’ message. Jesus said, "The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into his field."

The second scripture dovetails this one. The disciples sat with Jesus on the Mount of Olives and ask what the signs of the end times will be. Jesus told them there would be wars and talk of war, nations would rise against nations, and there would be famine and earthquakes in multiple places. Jesus also told them the gospel will be preached to every nation, and then the end will come.

Not meaning to be an alarmist, but the earth is groaning as if in childbirth, as Jesus called it. Look around the world and you can see all of this happening. But we need not fear, because Jesus said He would never leave us nor forsake us, and that means all the way through the end of these times.

Yes, the harvest is plenty. There are so many people who still need to hear the Good News. It is God’s plan for His people to share of His love and grace, and that His Son will be coming again. He will not be coming as a suffering servant, but as a conquering king. May we all do our part in helping others come to a saving knowledge of the only one who can truly save us from all that will happen in this terrible world.


  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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