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In today’s society, we are driven by titles.  The military is very strict on titles, having everyone called by their rank and then their last name, e.g. First Sergeant Walker, or Chief Walker.  But sometimes titles can be very misleading. As an example, a person we are all familiar with, the school head janitor can be called "Director of Refuse Relocation."  While this is a little amusing, here are a few titles that actually exist: "Wizard of Light Bulb Moments" (Marketing Manager), "Beverage Dissemination Officer" (Bartender), and finally "Genius" (Sales Associate at Apple), which isn’t far from the truth for us technically-challenged adults!!

Professionals in the workplace have nameplates on their desk, placards on their office door, and business cards with their names on them and of course, their title.  We define ourselves by what we do, especially by titles. We’ve become accustomed to hearing a person’s title and making an immediate judgement, thinking we know the person.

Years ago, a politician I was engaging with became a little short on patience while discussing a statute.  He said, "Do you know who I am?"  In reality he should have said, "Do you know what I am?"  I responded (gently) to his question, "Sir, I know what you are, but I do not know who you are."  He was taken aback and asked what I meant by my response. I quickly smoothed his ruffled feathers by telling him I knew what he was, but I didn’t know WHO he was!  I knew nothing about his character or his person, only what his career path was.  Face it, it’s easy to identify each other by our titles. But they only define what we are, not who we are.

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus for the purpose of strengthening the believers in their Christian faith.  To remind them who they were, Paul wrote "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

God has a plan for His creation from the first moment of His creation until, well, for eternity.  Paul is reminding the people in Ephesus they were created by God’s wonderful craftsmanship to carry out His plan, which is good works through His Son.  This is who we are. God continues to have a plan, and created us to carry out the workings of that plan.

If someone wants to define what you are, first and foremost you are the result of the Master Craftsman; the same Craftsman who created the entire universe and all that is in it.  We are a product of God. And remember, Christ Jesus defines who we are by His sacrifice. We are His workers, bought by His blood, for a life in eternity with our Heavenly Father!  Therefore, be strong knowing who, and whose we are!

  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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