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The Secret is Out

As seen in the HEARTbeat and the Village Voice

“The Secret is Out”


            New Year’s resolutions are made by the majority of adults.  But as statistics show, not everyone is able to follow through on the resolution or resolutions made.  Of those surveyed who made resolutions, about 16 percent kept all their resolutions and about 44 percent kept at least some but not all of them by the end of the year — meaning nearly 2 out of 3 people achieved some level of success.  If you look closely at this statement, it shows 84% of all people who make resolutions fail to keep one or more of them.  What this study does not show is just exactly what were the resolutions which were made?

            This study indicated approximately one out of two individuals made a resolution to get in better physical condition.  Slightly more than one in three (38%) said they resolved to improve their financial situation, and a little less people (36%) said they wanted to improve their mental health.  What is alarming from this Forbes study is that only five percent (5%) resolved to meditate more!  I’m assuming this included all forms of meditation, but it did not indicate the number who specifically stated to spend more time reading the Bible.

            All of the studies on setting resolutions indicated the goal of the resolution was on “self.”  We are consumed with improving our daily lives, our station in life, or our health.  All good for the here and now, but what about eternity.  I will have to admit, there are studies which showed a large number of people surveyed indicated they resolved to read the Bible more.  Two-thirds of those in the study said they wanted to read more, which means one-third did not.  I don’t know if these were self-identifying Christians or not, but the percentage is alarming.

            As the number of people in the world who claim to be Christians, who claim to believe in Jesus Christ, and who go to church dwindle, fewer people will obviously be reading scripture.  With all the turmoil happening in the world today, I can’t imagine people running from God rather than running to Him!  It seems church attendance increases dramatically after a great catastrophe such as the events of 9/11.  Do we put God on hold all the rest of the time?

            God is not a person who we put behind a glass door that says, “Break glass in case of emergency.”  He wants us to have a relationship with Him; this is why mankind was created in the first place.  He spent the entirety of the Old Testament trying to get the nation of Israel to return to Him and live correctly.  Then He sent Jesus.

            Jesus came so we, all of humanity, could have life and have it more abundantly.  If I told you there was a magic cure for obesity, people would flock to my doorstep.  If I had the cure for cancer, I would be popular beyond measure.

            What I do have is the secret for living forever!  No, I’m not Ponce de Leon.  But it is simple.  Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved.  The secret is out!!!  Spread the word!


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