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Sold Out!

Sold Out!

What does it mean to be sold out?  The best synonym I can think of is committed.  When we put ourselves totally into an activity, relationship, or vocation, we are "sold out".  People see the performance of athletes or the love shared between couples and say the same thing.

To be really sold out requires a great deal of effort.  Take for instance the sport of triathlon. This is the 3-event competitions where the athlete, or triathlete, swims a specified distance, bicycles, and then runs.  The world championships were just held in Kona, Hawaii where the distances for the run, bike, and swim were 2.4 miles, 112 miles, and 26 miles respectively! Completing any one of the phases of the race would be monumental for most.  But to cross the finish line after covering all three is an achievement relatively few will ever know. To be a triathlete at the professional level requires the man or woman to be completely sold out to their profession, mentally, physically, and emotionally.  They must be absolutely committed.

Most of us will never compete in Kona, but we are called to be no less committed in some aspects of our lives.  It’s hard to understand the effort of a triathlete and compare it to our activities, relationships, or vocations.  But we need to look no further for an example than Jesus.

Jesus gave of Himself totally to the mission God the Father placed on Him.  He was to be the perfect sacrifice, the Pascal Lamb, to atone for the sins of mankind.  He spent almost three years trying to convince the leaders of the Jewish nation who He was with His teachings as well as with many signs and miracles.  He even performed miracles that only the Messiah or God could perform according to the Levitical law. It forced the leaders to make the ultimate decision – was Jesus who He said He was, the Messiah.

One of the last things Jesus said as He hung on the cross was "It is finished."  He had completely poured himself out physically, emotionally, and spiritually for men and women, even those who sentenced Him to die in the most cruel manner imaginable.  The task, the mission was done. Then He spoke these words: "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." All that Jesus was, all that Jesus had done, and all that He would be He gave to the Father – completely.  Jesus placed Himself totally into the loving hands of His Heavenly Father.

For us to approach worship and service to God without following the example of the One who gave of Himself totally for us is a disservice.  God will bless us because of His love and grace, but more so when we are totally committed to Him. This week let’s be "sold out" to God in everything we do – for His kingdom’s sake and not our own.

  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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