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As seen in the HEARTbeat and the Village Voice



            As the old saying goes, “Life was just simpler when we were kids.”  We thought we had big problems, but in retrospect they were so small compared to the issues we face as adults.  Maybe we had a flat on our bicycle, our mode of conveying ourselves to baseball practice and around the town, and we thought our world was going to crumble that day.  Or maybe it was the baseball mitt that we slung over the bicycle handlebar that needed restringing!  Time was of the essence, and we had to sit patiently while we watched Grandpa meticulously string leather laces through the myriad of holes.  The world didn’t move fast enough for us.  These issues are from the perspective of a young boy growing up in small-town Arkansas.  I dare not venture into the perceived issues with young girls.  I can’t imagine the degree to which they apexed a boy’s problems.

            When we grow into adulthood, we put things into perspective.  We prioritize our problems and give attention to those looming the largest.  Maybe a flat on our car doesn’t seem quite like the flat on our childhood bicycle, unless it’s the only transportation we have!  Money issues demand our attention, especially if we have young families and there is more month at the end of the money!  Life never stops teaching us lessons on what is important in our life and what is not, and which issue deserves our attention.

            I remember moving often as a young boy, being part of a military family.  It was hard, but the first things I wanted to know was the location of the theater and that of the pool!  As an adult, we decide on new homes based on school districts, crime statistics, market resale, and cultural opportunities.  When we get to our new homes, we are bombarded with mail inserts from clubs, groups, and area interest venues to join them and get involved.  We decide which would give us the best return on our time investment.

            All these are great, but the investment of time eventually ends.  The membership runs its course and they are inevitably no longer useful.  But what if I told you there was a group that would outlast all other associative groups?  Would you want to hear more?

            The group I am referring to is your local church.  Choosing a church can be a daunting task, but not one that is insurmountable.  When you prayerfully ask God to lead you to a church where you are needed, He will guide you to a place where your spiritual gifts can be exercised.

            God led people to the early church.  As it says in the Book of Acts, God added to the church daily those who were being saved.  God is actively building up His church and will lead you to the place where He would have you begin your “forever” investment.

            Civic groups have their place.  But an investment in your “forever” place should be number one on your priority list.  Find a church, get involved, and make praising our Lord the number one priority in your life!

  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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