26/10/2020 by Rev. Doug Walker 0 Comments
Mask Time?
As seen in the "The Heartbeat" and published in the Hot Springs Village Voice
Every year during this time the party stores are teaming with young and old alike picking out the costume they want to wear trick or treating (for the young), or to the parties (for the adults). By the time Halloween arrives, these stores will look like clothing outlets the day after "black Friday." Why do we love to dress up in costumes so much?
When I was little, the most prominent costumes were cowboys, indians, princesses, and the like. Throw in the occasional firefighter and police officer and you’ve covered ninety percent of the costumes. Lately what you’ll see is zombies, superheroes, and any other character that appears in the video games being played. Like adult fashion, child costumes ebb and flow in their design with the times.
As adults, we wear many "costumes" year-round, especially masks. Actors in the theater may wear a theatrical mask, especially those in the classical plays. These are to enhance the appearance of the character they are playing. We also may wear a mask if we are riding a motorcycle or bicycle for warmth or to protect us from the elements. And let’s not forget the hunters! The masks worn by those who want to blend into the woods range from face paint to netting to total face covering with eye slits to see. Hunters try every way they can to blend into the surroundings in an effort to become hidden or recognized by the quarry.
Do we as adults wear "behavioral masks" when we engage with others? To clarify, do we act one way while we’re at home and differently when in public? I would propose the majority of us do, to some extent. There can be some pretty dark reasons when people try to hide their true intentions from being recognized. Sadly, honesty can be dismissed by some people as useless in their dealings. We see this all too often in our world.
But there are others who put on mask with a happy face in the coffee shop, or worse on Sunday mornings. They smile and say they’re great, when on the inside they are anxious, depressed, or feel alone. These are the worst type of masks we can wear. People are unable to see our true condition. Many veterans wear this type of mask, and sadly twenty-two commit suicide every day. This mask is the thickest because it hides those hurting all too well.
Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Many of us are carrying very heavy burdens. Christ said, "Come to me." He is waiting to see your beautiful face when you remove your mask for Him. He said, "I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Jesus doesn’t want to see a mask. He wants to see your heart. Seek His face, and He will truly take your burdens from you!