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Know the Way!

As seen in the HEARTBeat and Village Voice

Know the Way!


            If you are a sports fan you recently had the opportunity to see some highly-tuned athletes on television by watching the Tour de France.  Now, for those of you who might consider this another bicycle ride, you might have to think again.  It is a 21-day race over varied terrain culminating in Paris.  Riders traverse roads in the Alps in southeast France, the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France, and flat sea-side roads in the northeast.

            To get an idea of the total distance and speed, an average rider in this year’s tour averaged almost 25 miles per hour and covered a total distance, from the start of day 1 to the end of day 21, of 2,121 miles.  That’s a distance (by road) from New York City to Salt Lake City, Utah.  Needless to say just to complete this race is quite a feat.

            In the 1988 Tour, a Scottish rider was leading in a stage with two other riders following up a mountain.  The two riders passed the Scottish rider and pulled away.  Even though the two riders put a good distance between themselves and the once-leading Scottish rider, they took a wrong turn and couldn’t get back on the course in time.  With their error, they handed the Scottish rider the win for the day, all because they didn’t know the way or weren’t paying attention.

            In today’s environment, it’s easy for us to take a wrong turn if we are not careful.  The two riders mentioned above followed course marshals on motorcycles instead of watching a police officer trying to signal them on a turn.  We can think someone or something is safe to follow; that they know “the way” through the minefields of politics, culture, or dare I say, religion.  One political figure says they have the answer to the problems our country is experiencing only to waver once the electorate places them in office.  Another example is a person interviewing for a job appears on their resume as if they are extremely knowledgeable of the practices of the hiring company.  They are hired and fail at every turn.  The Human Resources department asks themselves, “Where is the person we interviewed and who is this person we hired?”  Knowing the way forward is crucial.

            At the Last Supper with His Apostles, Jesus told them, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.  If it were not so, would I have told you I go to prepare a place for you?”  Thomas responded, “Lord, we do not know where you are going.”  Jesus told them, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Jesus told them in our modern terminology, “Take this to the bank.  I know the way.”

            Institutions will fail to meet our expectations.  Politicians will fail to meet our expectations.  Even some of our Christian brothers and sisters may fail us.  One person you can count on to lead you on the proper path to the right finish line is Christ!

            Know the way!!!!  Jesus is the only way!

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Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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